Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Taxing Day

Ah, Tuesday. I remember it well...

Went to bed at 3am after working on taxes. Got up at 6:30. Called off work to keep doing taxes (NOT the way I like to use my leave time!). Spent pretty much all day doing taxes. Raeann home at 3:25pm. Left house at 3:30pm to take her to Speech Therapy at 4pm. Left speech by 5pm. Drove to downtown Frederick and got Rae a sandwich at a little Italian place down the street from the church where chorus would be. 6pm Musicianship class for Rae across the street from chorus practice. I drop her off, hang out for a minute or two, then cross street and change into running gear in the bathroom at the church where she has chorus rehearsal starting at 7pm, immediately following musicianship. Drop stuff off at my car and begin warm up. By 6:30 I'm at Baker Park and ready to run!

Actual time of running was just under 50 minutes for the 6 miles, but that includes a 5 minute break. Finished by about 7:40. Run to car (.21 miles). Change shirt to a dry long sleeve. Run to Olde Town Tavern (.4 miles). Meet two other runners there and go in for a cheeseburger and fries. Bacon and mushrooms on the burger. Steak fries. Important note for future reference, OTT has ping-pong. People show up to play doubles there on Tuesday nights.
Food takes a while though. Get burger at 8:20pm. Down it and leave by 8:30pm.
Run .4 to church to get Raeann who finishes around 8:30pm. Drive home.

Doing taxes by 9:30pm, finishing State. Done and efiled shortly after 10pm. Beautiful choreography for the night!

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